How to get rid of this kind of dilemma? The outlet lies in correctly unveiling the structural relation of relational reasoning and symbolizing it. 怎样摆脱这种两难困境?出路就在于正确揭示关系推理的结构关系并将之符号化。
A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion. dilemma reasoning 不合逻辑的推论,谬论错误的或不合逻辑的观点或结论
Monty Hall Dilemma ( MHD) is a classical example of probability reasoning. Since this extremely hard problem was proposed, it has drawn more and more psychologists 'attention. The MHD is one of the new hot topics in the reasoning psychology. MontyHallDilemma(MHD)作为一个经典的概率推理难题,自提出以来就受到研究者们的极大关注,心理学对MHD问题的研究可称为是推理心理学的新的热点之一。